Watch Out for Defective Equipment at the Gym

Few things are as important as keeping up with good physical health. Working out at a gym promotes and encourages a bright, healthy lifestyle. Millions of Americans take advantage of gyms to provide a wide array of training equipment they wouldn’t normally have access to. However, it is up to the gym management and staff to ensure clean, hygienic, and overall safe place to work out. Considering how many people use the gym equipment and how often they do, it’s not hard to see why maintenance would be important. However, for a variety of reasons, maintenance just seems to slip by the wayside. Here’s how to steer clear of defective gym equipment:

Watch for Severe Signs of Wear

Treadmills with tattered belts are a common source injury at the gym. If a machine has a belt that’s loose, stringy, or otherwise tattered, alert a gym staff member immediately and refrain from use. Other signs of wear, such as weight lifting benches with torn pleather seating can seem like cosmetic negligence but could pose a risk of injury.

Listen for Unsettling Noises

Gyms are loud places – but some noises and more suspect than others. Any mechanical machine that’s used for working out can emit a rhythmic, steady noise that just comes with normal operation. But before using a machine, it pays to turn on the machine and listen for anything suspect. Clanking, clanging, rattling and hard stopping noises should all be taken into account. If these noises are disruptive enough, consult a gym staff member for confirmation of working order before attempting to use the machine.

Mind Electrical Errors

Although uncommon, electrical issues with workout equipment is certainly not uncommon. The obvious signs are instances of exposed wire or glitch interfaces. Buttons that don’t register can also raise a big red flag. Be sure to test buttons and watch out for any exposed electrical components before use.

Substandard maintenance plagues a large number of gyms worldwide. Despite one’s best efforts at avoiding defective equipment, sometimes the defects are found the hard way. When they are, the results can be devastating. Who is at fault can vary and can often include more than one party. The manufacturer of the machine and gym management could both be liable depending on the circumstances.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to faulty gym equipment, contact an experienced lawyer who could help. Contact the law offices of Richard Stoloff today to schedule your initial case evaluation.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.