Betting on Cancer: The High Stakes of Allowing Smoking in Casinos

Casinos are a popular destination for entertainment, gambling, and socializing. Gambling and smoking have long been intertwined in popular culture, from the iconic image of a cigar-chomping poker player to the smoky haze that often hangs over casino floors. However, there’s a dark side to these popular destinations that many people don’t often consider.

The association between gambling and smoking comes with a high cost—not just in terms of personal health but also public health. According to the American Cancer Society, secondhand smoke contains more than 70 known carcinogens, including arsenic, benzene, and formaldehyde. In this article, we’ll explore the high stakes of allowing smoking in casinos and the risks associated with it.

The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke

According to the American Cancer Society, secondhand smoke causes approximately 42,000 deaths from lung cancer and heart disease each year in the United States. The risk of lung cancer is up to 50 times higher for people who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or in their workplace.

Secondhand smoke exposure creates a significantly higher risk of developing not only lung cancer but other illnesses such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, and even the risk of stroke. Some casinos have stopped letting people smoke in the past few years, but many others still allow it. Even with designated smoking areas, the smoke can still drift into other areas of the casino, and the ventilation systems may not be effective in removing the harmful particles.

The Cost of Smoking-Related Illnesses

The cost of smoking-related illnesses is staggering. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), smoking costs the United States over $300 billion each year in medical costs and lost productivity. This figure includes the cost of treating diseases associated with smoking and secondhand smoke exposure.

The Impact of Smoking in Casinos

It’s not just casino workers who are at risk. Visitors who spend time in smoking-permitted areas of casinos are also at risk of developing these illnesses, particularly if they spend a significant amount of time in the casino. The risks of exposure to secondhand smoke are well documented, and there is no safe level of exposure. Despite this, many casinos continue to allow smoking, putting their employees and patrons at risk. This raises the question: Why are these risks being ignored?

The Role of Casinos in the Fight Against Smoking

As businesses that attract large numbers of people, casinos have a responsibility to protect their patrons and employees from the harmful effects of smoking. Some casinos have already taken steps to ban smoking, including several in Atlantic City, New Jersey. These businesses have realized that smoking in casinos is dangerous and have taken steps to protect their customers and workers.

Some people say that smoking and gambling go hand in hand and that allowing smoking is necessary to keep the atmosphere and ambiance of the casino, or that making it illegal to smoke in casinos could have an economic impact, arguing that it could lead to a significant decline in revenue. However, studies have shown that smoking bans in casinos do not necessarily lead to a decline in revenue. In fact, many casinos have reported increased business after implementing smoking bans.

Benefits of Smoke-Free Casinos

In addition to the health benefits of banning smoking, there are also economic benefits. A study by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids found that smoke-free casinos can actually increase revenue by attracting more non-smoking patrons. These patrons may be more likely to stay longer, spend more money, and return more frequently if they can enjoy a smoke-free environment.

At the end of the day, the decision to allow smoking in casinos is not just a business decision but also a moral one. By prioritizing the health and safety of everyone who steps foot inside a casino, we can work towards a future where everyone can enjoy the excitement and glamour of the casino without having to worry about the high stakes of exposure to secondhand smoke.

Casino Premises Liability

“Premises liability” is a part of the law that says property owners are responsible for injuries that happen on their property due to their negligence. In the case of casinos, allowing smoking indoors can be considered negligence. While some states have banned smoking in public places, such as restaurants and bars, many still allow smoking in casinos. But this comes at a high cost to the health of their patrons and employees.

Casinos have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for their patrons and employees. Allowing smoking indoors is a breach of that responsibility. If you or a loved one has developed cancer as a result of being exposed to secondhand smoke in a casino, you may be entitled to compensation. With a premises liability lawsuit, you can hold the casino responsible for their negligence and get the money you need to pay for your medical bills and lost wages.

Contact The Law Offices of Richard A. Stoloff Today For a Free Consultation About Your Casino Injury and Premises Liability Case in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

The health risks of allowing smoking in casinos are too high to ignore. It’s time for all casinos to recognize the high stakes of allowing smoking and take action to create healthier environments for everyone. At The Law Offices of Richard A. Stoloff, we understand the devastating effects of exposure to secondhand smoke. We believe that everyone deserves to work and play in a safe and healthy environment. Everyone deserves justice, and we will work tirelessly to help you get the compensation you deserve. If you or a loved one has developed cancer as a result of smoking in a casino, we can help. Our experienced premises liability attorneys will fight to hold the casino accountable for their negligence and help you receive the compensation you deserve for your casino injuries. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you.